Founder & National General Secretary

Rakesh Bains

About Me

Saving a human life by donating organ is a great favour to the humanity. As organ donation gives life to someone, so it is a paramount infect. Our organs like heart, kidney, lungs, liver, pancreas and intestines can be donated posthumously & these can saves eight lives & our tissues can serve more than 50 patients. Hence all we should not be destroyed these precious organs by burn or by burry & these should be donate for other patients for therapeutic purpose. Last year, in 2022 total 15,565 organs were transplanted by various donors throughout in India. Which is a record in itself & it is also a positive sign for our society. Total 941 deceased organ donors had saved the life of 2765 critical patients with their heroic approach for mankind. As the population of our country has crossed 142 crores. In the same proportion, the number of patients in India has also increased. Every year we needs about 2.0 lakh kidneys for transplants, there are about 80 thousand such patients who need liver transplant & similarly it is a requirement of 50 thousand heart transplants and about two lakh blind patients who need light for their dark life. In such cases the only solution is transplant of organs but Often patients have to wait for a long time for transplant from two to three years or even more depends upon the availability of such organ donors. As per report, every year about five lakh people who need organs but don’t get a donor only because of limited awareness among the public & these patients are forced to give up their life. There is a huge gap of availability of organs & annual requirement, which can be filled only with awareness drives. We all should have together to make a strong effort to tell our society that we shouldn’t destroy such valuable human organs that can heal the life of someone’s after our departure from this world & these organs must be donated for humanitarian cause. I hope that we all together will continue this work for mankind in the future for a great social cause. Let’s come & join with our “National Organ Donation Awareness Campaign” for humanity. Rakesh Bains (I.R.S.E.)

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